FREE Shopify Product Page Calendar Without App

Shopify product page calendar


Use the Shopify Product Page Calendar to easily add a calendar to your product pages. Schedule appointments, pick dates, or check product availability directly on the page. It boosts your Shopify store’s functionality, making it user-friendly. Customize it to match your brand’s look. Add a personal touch to your product pages with a custom calendar. Shoppers can schedule, pick dates, or check availability. Perfect for bookings, events, or new products, it brings extra features to your store. Try it for free with agency. No need for an app – just follow simple instructions and copy-paste the code to enhance your Shopify store effortlessly.

Step by step implementation of product page calendar – for free

  1. Go to the dashboard of your Shopify store.
  2. “Click on” three dots on the right top of your particular Theme installed.
  3. Now click on “Edit code”.
  4. Search for “main-product.liquid” and open it. This file contains the code of your product page.
  5. Search for “quantity-input”,
  6. Under the quantity-input add the code below.
        .calender-field {
          margin-top: 10px;
        .calender__input {
          box-shadow: inherit;
          font-size: 1.5rem;
          border: 1px solid #929496;
          background-color: transparent;
          cursor: pointer;
          border-radius: 1px;
          color: #31373d;
          padding: 10px;
      <label for="calenderinput">
        {{ 'Wear Date *Required' }}
      <input form="{{ product_form_id }}" required id="calenderinput" type="date" name="properties[Wear Date]">
  7. Now click the “Save”. Check the calendar on the product page under the quantity box.

Follow the below video for better understanding

Need of Shopify Product page calendar in B to C Business

Suppose there is a Shopify store “S” which sells shirts. And a customer “C” wants a bulk of shirts. But due to some sort of urgency, they need shirts only before a specific date. To inform the Business “S” specified date. There could be some ways to inform the business like; email and phone calls but if the business is broad like Amazon or Flipcart, it’s hard for them to answer those phone calls and emails, that is why they provide an alternative “product page calendar” which is comfortable for both customer and owner. To add this specific feature to your store first you need to create a product page (you can read this blog post and implement it for free). Once you are done with creating the product page, now it’s time to add the “Shopify product page calendar” feature and you can add this feature without any app or any charges by just copying and pasting the above code on the specified portion.

Top Benefits of Shopify product page calendar

  • Allows customers to schedule their appointments or events directly from the product page, making the process more convenient and efficient.
  • Enables users to choose specific dates for product deliveries, services, or events, providing flexibility and customization.
  • It helps customers check the availability of products, services, or booking slots, reducing uncertainty and enhancing the overall shopping experience.
  • It is Ideal for businesses offering appointments, reservations. or bookings, as customers can easily see and select available time slots.
  • Boosts interaction on your product pages, because customers actively engage with the calendar feature.
  • Provides a user-friendly interface, allowing customers to manage their schedules or make informed decisions about product availability without leaving the product page.
  • By adding a product page calendar an interactive shopping experience can lead to higher conversions because customers find it easier to make decisions and complete transactions.
  • Better for promoting time-sensitive events or product launches, allowing customers to mark their calendars directly from the product page.
  • It is applied in various business models, including e-commerce, service-based businesses, or those organizing events, making it a versatile tool for different industries.


Adding a Shopify Product Page Calendar to your store is a smart move! It simplifies scheduling, picking dates, or checking availability right on your product pages. This feature not only makes your site more user-friendly but also aligns perfectly with your brand. Plus, it’s a breeze to add with’s free guidance—no apps needed, just copy and paste. Whether you’re booking appointments, highlighting events, or launching new products, this tool is versatile for all sorts of businesses. It’s great for both you and your customers, making shopping smoother and helping you stand out. So, why wait? Improve your Shopify store today with this easy-to-implement calendar feature. Shopify tries to give almost every ease to their customer under some payments or subscriptions, alternatively, agency helps Shopify users to integrate every new feature to their stores at the minimum and one-time payment. Features like PayPal smart button, Shopify product page, color variants, and sliding announcement bar for almost every theme that is present on Shopify.