How to add ENTER Link on Home Page Once Open the Store | Without App FREE [2024] 1. Go to Shopify dashboard -> themes -> Edit code 2. Create new section enter-page and paste below code {% if section.settings.show_enter_page %} <style> .scale-in-center{-webkit-animation:scale-in-center 1s cubic-bezier(.25,.46,.45,.94) both;animation:scale-in-center 1s…

Continue ReadingHow to add ENTER Link on Home Page Once Open the Store | Without App FREE [2024]

Free Shopify Images Marquee Section | Slide Brand Logos Add Anywhere 1. Create a new section marquee-images and paste attached code. <style> .section-{{ }}.custom-marquee-images { display: flex; align-items: center; width: 100vw; max-width: 100%; height: {{section.settings.marquee_height}}px; padding-top: {{section.settings.marquee_padding}}px; padding-bottom: {{section.settings.marquee_padding}}px;…

Continue ReadingFree Shopify Images Marquee Section | Slide Brand Logos Add Anywhere