How To Create FAQs Page for Shopify Theme Dawn | Creating Accordions in Shopify Theme Development 1. Create template page.faq.json { "sections": { "main": { "type": "main-page-faq" } }, "order": ["main"] } 2. Create section main-page-faq.liquid <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'section-main-page.css' | asset_url }}" media="print" onload="'all'">…

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How To Create Color Swatches for Product Variants in Shopify (Dawn Theme) Copy Below Code and replace with Line: 202, 203, 204 of Sections/main-product.liquid {% if product.variants[forloop.index0].metafields.color.values and == 'Color' %} <label for="{{ }}-{{ }}-{{ forloop.index0 }}" style="background-color:…

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How to Make Buttons to Smart Button in Shopify ? Shows Colourful Bubbles on Hover. Download the code by following the instructions: 1. Download code: Click Here 2. To add in shopify you will have to create two files: Assets/my-custom-style.css Snippets/my-smart-button.liquid 3. Include the liquid…

Continue ReadingHow to Make Buttons to Smart Button in Shopify ? Shows Colourful Bubbles on Hover.